Joshua Thorp Turquoise - the story behind the ink
Have you heard the story behind our Pencraft exclusive Robert Oster Signature Ink color, Joshua Thorp Turquoise?
Our store owner, Joshua, was a huge fan of a particular ink that was no longer being made. He loved it so much that he hoarded bottles and bottles of it when it was available. It was the only color he used in his fountain pen!
Pencraft staff were delighted to use it as one of their staff inks, even though it cost about $60 per bottle.
Eventually, the day came when the ink could no longer be sourced, and Joshua was truly sad.
Then Robert Oster, the local South Australian ink producer, came to the rescue. He created a special Signature Ink blend just for us at Pencraft, inspired by Joshua's favorite ink and its iconic shade of turquoise.
While a little shy about having a bottle of ink with his name on it, Joshua is a very happy man again.
Unfortunately, Joshua Thorp Turquoise has been discontinued and is no longer available. However, we still have Ocean Moonlight!